At Utsunomiya University, where I belong, the entrance ceremony was cancelled and the start of classes was postponed.
Although the entrance ceremony has been cancelled, we are still looking forward to welcoming the new students to our school.
I sincerely hope that you will take advantage of the university, try various challenges, communicate with various people, discover a new self, and have a wonderful future.
Just a few days ago, the graduation and completion ceremonies were over, and the days I spent with my beloved friends were far more than just teaching and being taught.
I will do my best to be a catalyst for everyone's goals and growth.
つい数日前に卒業式・修了式を終えた私の敬愛する仲間たちと過ごした日々は教える・教わるという関係をはるかに超えたものでした。 皆さんの目指し成長のきっかけになれるよう、私も努力していきます。